Susan de Wardt

Susan de Wardt is a masterful facilitator of process - insightful, courageous, compassionate. She excels at using journal writing techniques to build the bridge from "current reality" to the highest actualization of dreams and visions.
A Certified Instructor for the JOURNAL to the S*E*L*F workshop, Susan belongs to a select group of individuals recognized for their expertise in the area of journal writing. With over 16 years of experience in reflective writing and personal development training techniques, Susan can show you how to access creativity, enrich your life and connect with your inner wisdom through writing practice.
As a personal coach and seminar leader since 1989, she has worked extensively with clients in Europe and throughout the U.S. supporting them in making substantial personal and professional changes to leverage their skills and increase their ability to achieve success. Contact Susan by email sdewardt@mindworkscoaching.com or visit her website for more information about coaching and the Journal to the S*E*L*F program. www.mindworkscoaching.com